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Some Things The Lord Has Assigned to Me:


Upcoming Schedule 2013

ONGOING - Every Thursday Night Bible Study in Montpelier, Va

March 26 - Speaking at Senior Adult Luncheon at Grove

March 31 - Easter, Preaching at Victoria Christian Church, Victoria, VA

April 6 - Foursquare Church in West End, Men's Meeting, Pastor, Bob Smith

May 11 - Hopewell Baptist Block Party, New Kent

May 12 - Mother's Day, Immanuel Baptist, Richmond 11am service

July 7 - Carmel Baptist 11am, Ruther Glen, VA

September 22 - Carmel Baptist 11am

October 11-13 (Homecoming Sunday at 10:30) (236 Anniversary of Church!)

Last year's (2012) schedule:

2 Funeral
7 Counseling Session
17 Dr. Meloy’s preparing for Guatemala trip
31 Meet at Grove

1 Meeting at Grove
3 Dinner Meeting with the Andrews
10 Lunch with men at Beaverdam
11 Speak at 4th Baptist
14 Meeting with Mark J.
15 Lunch meeting with Dr. Ronnie Brown
17 Funeral for Morgan Dawson
19 Speak at 11am at Grove

1 Pick up Josh at 3pm
13th Dedicate the New Tanglewood Ordinary

1-3 Meetings at Victoria Christian
15-18 Meetings at First Baptist Pocomke City, Md
29-May 1 Meetings at Massaponox Baptist

July 5 Mt. Vernon Baptist in Glen Allen, Va Senior Adult Luncheon 11am
July 8 Carmel Baptist, Ruther Glen, VA at 11am
July 15 Pisgah Baptist, Rice, Va. at 11 am (Homecoming dinner on the grounds)
July 22 Victoria Christian Church, Victoria, VA 11 am
July 29 Carmel Baptist, Ruther Glen, VA 11am

September 2 At Grove Avenue Baptist, Richmond 11am

October 23 Senior Adult Banquet at Grove Avenue Baptist 12noon


Dec. 4, 2010
Funeral of Jim Ferrell -- Beaverdam Baptist

Dec. 9,11
Wilmington, Delaware

Dec. 12
Family Dinner at Lewis Ginter Tea House - 5 pm

6:30 pm
Grove Avenue Baptist Singles Christmas Banquet

January 20, 2011
Speak To pastors and legislators at Capitol in Richmond

May 1, 2011
11:00 am
100th Anniversary of Victoria Christian, Victoria

February 14th at 11:00 AM
First Baptist Petersburg

February 28
Both AM services 9:15 and 11:00
(Live on Channel 12)

March 28 11:00am
Singles department At GABC

May 30th
Manteo Baptist Homecoming (The Outer Banks)

July 23, 2009 ** Lunch with a Pastor

July 24 ** Rehearsal at Renaissance Center

July 25 ** Wedding in Wilmington, DE

July 26 ** Wedding in Richmond

August 16-19 ** Revival at Bybees Baptist Church, Troy, VA

September 1 (Tuesday) ** 7:00pm speaking at the Richmond Outreach Center in Richmond

September 13 ** Speak at the National Convention for Blind Christians at Wyndham Airport

September 20th ** Single Adults at GABC in the Park (weather permitting)

October 4-7 ** TENT REVIVAL at Stockton Memorial Baptist on Bailey’s Bridge Rd. Richmond

December 27th ** Morning Service at Grove Avenue 11:00am


April 5
My annual physical with Dr. Sidney Jones III

April 8th
Easter Sunday Preach Victoria Christian, Victoria, VA

April 20-22
1st Baptist Church, Alexandria, Virginia Bible Conference

May 20th
Preach at Oak Grove 75th Anniversary, Bel Air, Md

June 10th
Swift Creek Baptist (2 Morning Services)

June 17th
Father's Day message Victoria Christian Church, Victoria VA

June 23-24
a Festival of Faith at Galilee Baptist, Knoxville, TN

9th am Ferry Farm Baptist, Pastor James Vaught
16th Red Lane Baptist (Homecoming) Pastor David Slatton
23-26 Pioneer Baptist Fall Festival of Faith Pastor Randy Raines
30th AM Grove Avenue Baptist Singles Luncheon and Opening of New Resource Shelf in Memory of my daughter Vanda Jane (Cook) Warner

7th Preach at Grove Avenue both AM services
14th Galilee Baptist AM and PM Knoxville Tenn, Clyde Martin Pastor
28th Baby Dedication for friends at Hopeful Baptist


2nd-3rd Singles Retreat for GABC (Call church for details 740.8888)
4th-7th Revival at Carmel Church in Ruther Glen, VA Pastor Steve Nelson


January 20-22 A Just Give Me Jesus Festival At Bethlehem Baptist Church
9600 Midlothian Turnpike.......# 804. 272. 0957

January 23rd 6:30 til 8:00 pm
Prayer Meeting Speaker at Grove Avenue

February 8-10 Victory Hour Celebration & Prophecy Conference at Grove Ave. Baptist
Tim Lahaye of the Left Behind the main speaker #740.8888
Get tickets now!

February 17 - Amelia Baptist at 11:00am

March 2
Victoria Christian (Victoria, Va) 11:00 am

March 9 Grove Avenue and Victory Hour speaking at
both Morning services: 9:30 and 11:00

March 16 and 23(Easter)
Victoria Christian (Victoria, Va) 11:00 am
This beautiful little old town is a hour's drive from where I live in Chesterfield.

April 19-23 Providence Baptist Church, Gloucester, VA "Bring Back The Passion Revival"

[Celebrate my Birthday with family]

April 27-May 4 Kitty Hawk, the Outer Banks for rest,
fun and study with Winnie and her Mom

May 25 Grove Avenue Baptist, Celebrating 140 Years of Faithful Preaching
With Mark Becton, Ron Boswell, and me....Each of us preaching a short sermon that day!

September 11-14 at First Baptist Pocomoke City, MD on the Eastern Shore
[This was my first full time pastorate we had several miraculous conversions]

December 28th Grove Avenue Baptist both morning services.


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